SECC…! Where do I begin? I have cherished so many memories that I can’t even keep track and I am truly blessed for being part of this team for 17 years.

I originally came to know SECC as a client back in 2004, through the Employment program formally called Job Connect. I definitely had an amazing experience and I felt welcomed that I hoped one day to work in an environment based on my experience recieved as a client.

Month’s had gone by after accessing services, I had decided to apply to the agency without hesitation.

In January 2005, I was hired as an Intake Worker and eventually continued as an Employment Consultant/Job Coach for the remainder of my time.

During my time there, my favorite part of being part of SECC was the collaborations made internally amongst other departments and the community outreach.

I have gotten to know so many people in the social service sector and the best thing about the collaborating I will never forget is how each of us where part of making a difference in someone’s life. The effort and dedication made was remarkable and meaningful. Just seeing the team coming together to serve the community was very genuine and had left an impact. It told a story, and I was truly amazed!

Although, my time at the agency has ended now, but my years of being part of this community will always be part of me wherever I go. SECC is not just an organization it is a community of families and will always be remembered for that reason.

I want to take this opportunity congratulate SECC on 50 years of legacy within the community and for the continuous dedication and support from the team.

Best wishes to all!


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